My first impression of Legion.

Blizzard told us, everything will be different with Legion. But are they going to stick to that promise? In special, if we just had to experience the reimplementation of Garrisons without a lot of changes implemented into the system?

Well, my impression is that Legion is going to add a lot new labels to old ideas. And that many components just link to existing traditional content as like Quests, Raids and Dungeons once again. Infact, blizzard adds a lot of breadcrumb links to their garrison table.

World quests just seem to be the same as the known event regions from WoD, just with a new name, and better extrinsic rewards. Also, i would not wonder if they reuse the quest content from the levelup experience. Infact, the world quests send you to existent assets to do generic quest content which gives good extrinsic rewards, while the level of intrinsic rewards still has to be experienced.

The PVP remake with honor as a skill tree just means to take away the best PVP gear from matchmade players, as the gear is being moved to strongboxes, and the best gear only drops from organized gameplay. The difference from gear will be as big as nowadays once engaged raiders have played the third tier and fight against new level 110 character with 100 item levels below. As i dont think that blizzard is going to change the ilvl inflation, there is no defacto change to protect the pvp players wish to be competetive in PVP without the need to gear up. Additionally, PVE gear will become nearly as powerful as dedicated PVP gear. Additionally, you wont be able to fill epic gaps with PVP anymore, which will take away a lot of incentive to play PVP from the majority of the players that tend to play both PVP and PVE with a focus on PVE.

The artefact weapon just is a traditional talent tree, whichs leveling is extremely time consuming and replaces the legendary quest line.

The class quests are no new idea, but just quests based on the class story, while it is not known yet if blizzard is going to extend it beyond the initial story told. In WoD, blizzard did not continue to add meaningful  content to anything else than grind regions and raids, so i believe they will do the same in Legion.

Dungeon challenge modes are being made for organized groups only, and will therefore never be more successfull than normal raids. Also, the idea to keep them challenging gives blizzard card blanche to not add new dungeons throughout the expac anymore, as they didnt do since MoP. At the end, the implementation of this system is just about development effort reduction, as like nearly every single system change in the last three expacs.

Blizzard focuses, again, on developer convenience, and not on player wishes in their new expac. They give existent content new labels, instead of actually adding new content for the game components they wish to introduce for endgame. Blizzard still will put their main effort into raids in the upcoming patches, which will be the only component to receive a massive amount of new assets and  boss mechanics, while the open world will be the same gameplay as we already played in WoD, just with new great sounding labels like “World quests” and “mythic+ dungeons”.



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