Mount-Elitism in World of Warcraft, or: How is the asset effort justified?

LFR was being added to the game with the reason to justify blizzards large effort to create raids in the game. Based on the fact that organized raiding never was majority gameplay. Now i wonder, why the devs actually want to limit mounts, which are very expensive assets, to some mythic raiders only, while there would be an easy way to give these mounts to the majority of players just by recoloring them.

Exclusivity for some few players is not really healthy, if a game lacks in content and in usefull extrinsic rewards in total. Actually, organized raiding already gives the best extrinsic rewards to a small minority only, so i really wonder whom should be adressed by shiny mounts, if most of the mythic players are progress-gamers, which see their main benefit in sheer progression?

At the end, the vanity items adress a complete different playerbase. Those that collect cosmetic items, and which are mount collectors. My impression is, that blizzard tries to act as if special mount designs would be needed to bring prestige into the endgame, while i believe that mythic raids are already prestigious enough due to the fact only a small minority play or even master them.

The prestige comes from participating, and not from vanity items.

I really wonder how the effort for special assets for a small minority as like mythic raiders is being justified, if mounts would adress the LFR players way more likely. As it surely isnt about gear in LFR, after it got nerfed over and over based on organized raiders feedback. At the end, blizzard should think about rewarding every player for playing their game, and allow as many ways as possible to acquire vanity items and progression gear.

The best solution is to give LFR players a recolor of the mount the mythic raiders get. That also would remove the idea people would feel forced to hire organized raiders for gold to “play” the game. As like renting a raid spot in one of those meritocracy-based raiding guilds.



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